The Strunggle for Islam and the Call for Khilafah Conference


Hizbut Tahrir Britain atau di kenali sebagai parti liberalisasi Britain (Islam Antarabangsa) akan mengadakan persidangan Islam / program kali ke-2 bertempat di Birmigham pada Ahad ini bersamaan 2hb Ogos 2009. Program akan bermula tepat jam 11.45am waktu UK. Program kali ini bertajuk "The Struggle for Islam and the Call for Khilafah".Jadi kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk menghadiri program ini bolehlah mendapatkan tiket hanya berharga £8 melalui saya. Cuma di kawasan Sheffield dan seangkatan dengannya sahaja boleh mendapatkan tiket. Kalau luar dari kawasan itu harap dapat maklumkan pada saya dan nanti akan saya bagitahu macam mana nak dapatkan tiket itu. Tarikh tamat tempoh untuk membeli tiket atau menempah selewat-lewatnya hari Sabtu bersamaan 1hb Ogos 2009. Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut berkenaan dengan "The Struggle for Islam and the Call for Khilafah", bolehlah menonton melalui video ini..pasti akan anda rasa debarannya di mana sebilangan para ilmuan barat memperkotak katikkan Nabi kita Muhammad saw dan agama Islam dengan tipu daya mereka..Selamat menonton, semoga "WE CAN STAND FOR ISLAM"...!!

Perhimpunan Keluarga 09~~Rochdale

Perhimpunan Keluarga 09


Pada 24hb July 09 yang lalu, Persatuan Melayu UK telah mengadakan program Perhimpunan Keluarga selama 4 hari 3 malam bertempat di Ashworth Valley, Campsite, Hurst Farm Rochdale. Kebanyakkan peserta yang menyertai program ini adalah dari kalangan Melayu, Pakistan, Bengali dan lain2. Lebih kurang 80 peserta yang menyertai program ini termasuk kanak2 dan remaja. Dan saya juga adalah salah seorang dari peserta yang mengikuti program itu.

Program ini juga telah mengadakan dua sesi aktiviti yang menarik iaitu indoor dan outdoor untuk kanak2, remaja dan dewasa. Kebanyakkan aktiviti outdoor adalah seperti Introduction to Karate I and II, Grass Sledging, Pioneering I (adult) / Sports Race (children), Waterfight, Wall Climbing, dan Archery.

Manakala aktiviti indoor pula adalah seperti Speech and Briefing, Team Building, Free First Aid course, Launch of Mentoring Scheme, Motivational Time, Motivational workshop, Introduction to PISANG, dan Evaluation.

Selain itu, aktiviti lain seperti BBQ dan Melayu UK summer fete (Malay local foods) juga berjaya menarik perhatian para peserta. Saya boleh katakan bahawa makanan yang disediakan memang sungguh sedap dan lazat seperti berada di Malaysia. Sepatutnya aktivit fete di buat di luar dewan iaitu berdekatan dengan khemah tetapi disebabkan oleh hujan renyai jadi terpaksa dibatalkan dan dibuat didalam dewan. Alhamdulilah, walaupun cuaca kurang elok aktiviti tetap berjalan dengan lancar seperti campfire.

Walaupun terasa penat sepanjang hari tetapi keseronokkan berada bersama-sama dengan unit keluarga membuatkan penat dan keletihan sekaligus hilang. Dan yang paling penting dengan adanya program ini ianya dapat mengikat hubungan silaturrahim sesama Muslim walaupun berlainan bangsa dan negara. Alhamdulilah, saya benar2 menghayati program ini sehingga ke penghujung. Semoga program seperti ini akan berterusan pada masa akan datang, Insha'Allah..

Meluncur dari bukit (permainan untuk kanak2)

yang seronoknya bapak org pun main benda ni..heee
England vs Egypt

Semua ni sebenarnya tgh tgu giliran nak naik..huhuu

Permainan tenis kecil pun ada juga..

Aktiviti memanah juga tidak ketinggalan..

Tak dapat panjat gunung, panjat ni pun bole..kena bayar £5..

Sesi berkarate..hehee..sape lg klu bukn kiteorg..

Pelbagai makanan yg enak ada di jual...hehee

Makanan melayu di masak oleh org melayu...Sedap... :D

Sesi menghidupkan api beramai-ramai...

Sesi perkenalan berkenaan PISANG..gambar kabur skit sbb kamera kawan ada masalah...

Aktiviti berkumpulan...

Sesi motivasi Islam..

p/s: Sebenarnya ada bnyak lg gmbr yg boleh ditgk..tetapi disebabkan kena upload bnyak lg..jadi upload la gmbr yg penting je utk tatapn para pembaca ye... ;) Sekian, terima kasih..

Melayu UK - Summer Camp 09

Our Perhimpunan Keluarga (aka camping) this year will be held at Ashworth Valley Campsite. The annual Perhimpunan Keluarga is a key factor in bonding the friendship amongst our members. As in the past, we are proud to inform that this year's Perhimpunan Keluarga will be also attended by many non-Malays. This proves that the resident Malay community is not an isolated community but is increasingly playing a bigger role in the British community. Read more at

If anyone interested to join feel free to contact me at Due date before July, 20th.


Do u wanna know?

An attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's degree of like or dislike for an item. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, or event. This is often referred to as the attitude object. People can also be conflicted or ambivalent toward an object, meaning that they simultaneously possess both positive and negative attitudes toward the item in question.

There's two type of attitude, first is negative attitude and second is positive attitude. I'll explain the first attitude which is negative.

Negative attitudes often emanate from pre-existing biases or prejudices that then become manifest in one's relationship with others. If one's thoughts, opinions and words are pessimistic, defeatist, suspicious, ever critical and hostile then one's attitude is certainly negative. If we are cognizant of the fact that attitudes indicate our approach to daily living we realize how damaging negative attitudes are to our sense of well-being; it dictates our whole life. Be aware, if the only tool one has is a hammer, one tends to treat everything else like a nail. Our attitudes could motivate us to action or debilitate us into inactivity. If you believe you can, you are right; if you believe you can't, you are right; for if you really want to do something you can find a way, if you don't want to do it you could always find an excuse.

Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.

Attitude also can affects your life, while people with negative attitudes remain victims of circumstance, people with positive attitudes rise above their circumstances and become architects of life, positively impacting on their own destiny. The great Islamic poet-reformer, 'Allama Iqbal, made reference to this when he said: " Imbue your self with such positive drive that before destiny takes effect, there is a consideration on the part of the Divine to engage your plan of action."

A renowned medieval Islamic scholar, Ibn Taymiyyah, who opposed the injustices and oppression perpetrated by the Muslim government of his day, was threatened by the authorities, warned to remain silent and shun public criticism and condemnation of the rulers or else suffer the consequence of either imprisonment, torture, exile or death. His response to the oppressors epitomizes the pinnacle of positive attitude. He said; "If you imprison me, I'll have some solace and time to meditate; if you torture me, I'll be rewarded by Allah for every suffering I undergo; if you exile me, I'll see the world at your expense and if you kill me, I die a martyr. There is nothing you could do to undermine me."

So, the conclusion is u can choose either u want to be a positive attitude or negative attitude. One can choose to be either negative or positive in any given situation. You can't be both negative and positive at the same time. Be positive. A positive attitude is contagious, don't wait to catch it from others; be a carrier and pass it on. Positivity, like knowledge; when shared, is not halved but doubled.

Choose to be positive.. (^_^)