Hadhrat Abuzar Ghifari's (Radhiyallaho anho) Conversion to Islam

Hadhrat Abuzar Ghifari (Radhiyallaho anho) is very famous among the Sahabah for his piety and knowledge. Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) used to say:

"Abuzar is the custodian of such knowledge as other people are incapable of acquiring."

When he first got news of the Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) mission, he deputed his brother to go to Mecca and make investigations regarding 'the person' who claimed to be the recipient of Divine revelation. His brother returned after necessary enquiries, and informed him that he found Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to be a man of good habits and excellent conduct, and that his wonderful revelations were neither poetry nor sooth-sayings. This report did not satisfy him, and he decided to set out for Mecca and find out the facts for himself. On reaching Mecca, he went straight to the Haram. He did not know the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and he did not consider it advisable (under the circumstances prevailing at that time) to enquire about him from anybody. When it became dark, Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) noticed him and seeing in him a stranger, could not ignore him, as hospitality and care for the travelers, the poor and the strangers, were the Sahabah's second nature. He, therefore, took him to his place. He did not ask him about the purpose of his visit to Mecca, nor did Abuzar (Radhiyallaho anho) himself disclose it. Next day, he again went to the Haram and stayed there till nightfall without being able to learn who the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was. In fact everybody knew that the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and his companions were being persecuted in Mecca, and Abuzar (Radhiyallaho anho) might have had misgivings about the result of his quest for the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) again took him home for the night, but again did not have any talk with him about the purpose of his visit to the city. On the third night, however, after Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) had entertained him as on the two previous nights, he asked him:

"Brother, what brings you to this town?" Before replying, Hadhrat Abuzar (Radhiyallaho anho) took an undertaking from Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) that he would speak the truth, and then he enquired from him about Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) replied:

"He is verily the Prophet of Allah. You accompany me tomorrow and I shall take you to him. But you have to be very careful, lest people come to know of your association with me, and you get into trouble. When on our way 1 apprehend some trouble, I shall get aside pretending some necessity or adjusting my shoes, and you will proceed ahead without stopping so that the people may not connect us."

The next day, he followed Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho), who took him before the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). In the very first meeting, he embraced Islam. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), fearing that the Qureysh might harm him, enjoined upon him not to make an open declaration of his Islam, and bade him to go back to his clan and return when Muslims had gained the upper hand. Hadhrat Abuzar (Radhiyallaho anho) replied:

"0, Prophet of Allah! By Him who is the master of my soul, I must go and recite the Kalimah in the midst of these unbelievers."

True to his word, he went straight to the Haram and, right in the midst of the crowd and at the pitch of his voice, recited Kalimah-e-Shahadat viz:

" I bear witness that there is no god save Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad
(Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) is the Prophet of Allah."

People fell upon him from all sides, and would have beaten him to death if Abbas (the Prophet's uncle, who had not till then embraced Islam) had not shielded him and saved him from death. Abbas said to the mob:

"Do you know who he is? He belongs to the Ghifar clan, who live on the way of our caravans to Syria. If he is killed, they will waylay us and we shall not be able to trade with that country."

This appealed to their prudence and they left him alone.

The next day, Hadhrat Abuzar (Radhiyallaho anho] repeated his perilous confession of Imaan and would have surely been beaten to death by the crowd, had not Abbas intervened once again and saved him for the second time.

The action of Hadhrat Abuzar (Radhiyallaho anho) was due to his extraordinary zeal for proclaiming Kalimah among the disbelievers, and the prohibition by the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was due to the soft corner in his heart for Hadhrat Abuzar (Radhiyallaho anho), lest he be put to hardships that might prove too much for him. There is not the least shadow of disobedience in this episode. Since the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) himself was undergoing all sorts of hardships in spreading the message of Islam, Abuzar (Radhiyallaho anho) also thought it fit to follow his example rather than to avail of his permission to avoid danger. It was this spirit of Sahabah that took them to the heights of material and spiritual progress. When a person once recited the Kalimah and entered the fold of Islam, no power on earth could turn him back and no oppression or tyranny could stop him from Tabligh.

"Hadhrat Abu Zar (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that once the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) came out of his house. It was autumn and the leaves were falling off the trees. He caught hold of a branch of a tree and its leaves began to drop in large number.

At this he remarked, '0, Abu Zar! (Radhiyallaho anho) when a Muslim offers his salaat to please Allah, his sins are shed away from him just as these leaves are falling off this tree."

In autumn, usually, the leaves of the trees fall in large numbers, so much so that on some trees not a single leaf is left behind. The same is the effect of salaat performed with sincerity and devotion. All the sins of the person offering salaat are wiped off.

It should, however, be remembered that according to the verdict of the theologians, it is only the saghaa'ir (minor sins) that are forgiven by the performance of salaat and other services.

The kabaa'ir (major sins) are not pardoned without repentance. We should, therefore, in addition to saying salaat, be particular about doing taubah (repentance) and istighfaar (seeking forgiveness). Allah may, however, pardon, by His bountiful Grace, even the kabaa'ir of any person because of his salaat.

Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) berpendapat bahawa keputusan kerajaan untuk menaikkan harga jualan minyak petrol sebanyak RM 0.78 serta diesel RM 1.00 sehingga menjadikan harga seliter minyak meningkat. Sememangnya pahit untuk ditelan oleh semua lapisan masyarakat. Ini memandangkan kenaikan kedua-dua komoditi tersebut bakal meninggalkan kesan yang jelas serta nyata dalam kehidupan seharian rakyat Malaysia . Kenaikan harga minyak ini akan mendorong kenaikan caj-caj perkhidmatan, kos sara hidup dan harga barang-barang keperluan, yang pastinya membebankan terutama sekali di kalangan rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah. Mereka yang tinggal di bandar-bandar merupakan entiti masyarakat yang akan terjejas teruk disebabkan kos sara hidup tinggi di bandar yang segalanya bergantung kepada kuasa beli bagi mendapatkan sesuatu barang berbanding di kampung setidak-tidaknya boleh memanfaatkan hasil tani.

Kita sedar bahawa kenaikan ini mungkin tidak boleh dielakkan disebabkan faktor kenaikan minyak global namun demikian ABIM beranggapan bahawa tindakan kerajaan untuk menaikkan harga minyak adalah terlalu drastik, mendadak dan terlalu tinggi jumlah kenaikannya, memandangkan kenaikan ini secara langsung menambah beban yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh rakyat. Kenaikan ini juga bakal memberikan kesan negatif kepada perkembangan sosial dalam masyarakat jika ianya tidak ditangani dengan baik disebabkan tekanan hidup yang dihadapi oleh rakyat.

Bahkan ABIM juga berpendapat kenaikan ini tidak menepati status negara sebagai negara pengeluar minyak, yang menjadi penyumbang utama kepada hasil pendapatan negara. Dalam hal ini, perbandingan tidak boleh dilakukan terhadap harga minyak yang ditawarkan oleh beberapa negara lain seperti Singapura, yang terpaksa mengimport minyak untuk menampung kegunaan domestiknya.

Menyedari implikasi yang diakibatkan oleh kenaikan harga minyak ke atas rakyat dalam pelbagai bentuk, ABIM menyarankan kerajaan melaksanakan inisiatif-inisiatif berikut:

1. Memohon agar kerajaan mengkaji semula kenaikan tersebut yang disifatkan terlalu tinggi dan drastik. Kebajikan rakyat perlu diberikan parioriti. ABIM berpandangan pembangunan bukan nilainya pada tumbuhnya bangunan pencakar langit yang hanya bersifat "material" tetapi pembangunan sebenar ialah pembangunan "insani" yang bersifat membangunkan kebajikan rakyat. Insentif yang dikemukakan amat baik tetapi tidak dapat banyak membantu rakyat kerana kesan kenaikan tersebut mempunyai impak besar terhadap keseluruhan ekonomi negara terutama kenaikan caj perkhidmatan dan harga.

2. Memperkasakan semula mekanisme pengagihan pendapatan atau kekayaan berdasarkan kepada prinsip keadilan sosial, agar kebajikan golongan miskin dan berpendapatan rendah mendapat pembelaan yang sewajarnya. Cara kita mengurus ekonomi juga harus dikaji semua dan hendaklah lebih mengutamakan kebajikan rakyat sepertimana yang telah digariskan dalam Islam berhubung dengan konsep kenegaraan.

3. Seruan mengamalkan budaya belanja berhemah perlu dimulakan diperingkat kepimpinan negara bermula dengan mengurus kos operasi pentadbiran secara berhemah kerana kadang-kala wujud situasi perbelanjaan secara berlebihan seperti pembelian kereta kerajaan dengan kereta import luar negara. Selain itu majlis-majlis dan program-program besar-besaran yang bersifat "ceremonial" semata-mata menelan belanja berjuta-juta ringgit perlu dielakkan. ABIM menyeru agar pemimpin-pemimpin, jabatan-jabatan, serta agensi-agensi kerajaan mengamalkan budaya berbelanja secara berhemah, agar dapat dicontohi serta diteladani oleh rakyat. Seruan ini tidak terhad kepada kerajaan pusat tetapi meliputi semua pihak termasuk kerajaan negeri.

4. Setiap projek ataupun program pembangunan perlu dirancang secara berhemah serta teliti untuk mengelakkan sebarang pembaziran yang tidak perlu, dan memaksimumkan wang hasil penjimatan subsidi itu untuk dimanfaatkan oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat. Unsur-unsur rasuah dan ketirisan wang peruntukan kerajaan kepada mereka yang tidak berhak wajar diperangi habis-habisan.

5. Memperbaiki sistem pengangkutan awam seperti bas awam, teksi, komuter, serta beberapa jenis pengangkutan lain untuk membantu rakyat meringankan beban kenaikan harga minyak.

6. Memantau harga barang-barang keperluan yang masih menerima subsidi daripada kerajaan, agar tidak ada golongan peniaga yang tidak bertanggungjawab yang mengambil kesempatan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan berlipat ganda ekoran daripada kenaikan harga minyak.

7. Memastikan penyaluran bantuan kebajikan dan subsidi kepada golongan berpendapatan rendah serta miskin dapat dijalankan secara telus dan teratur.


Salam,..syasya ni gmbr yg baru akak upload...sorry eh lmbt upload,.bz sgt..hope u like it... ;)


Hadhrat Abu Sa*eed (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: "Almighty Allah says; "If anybody finds no time for My remembrance and for begging favours of Me, because of his remaining busy with the Holy Qur'an, I shall give him more than what I give to all those who beg favours of Me. The superiority of the Word of Allah over all other words is like the superiority of Allah over the entire creation."

In other words, compared to those who are begging favours of Allah, He will surely confer some better reward on a person who remains so occupied with committing the Qur'an to memory or learning and understanding it that he hardly gets time for du'a (prayer).

It is commonly known that when a man distributes sweets, or something else amongst others, a share is set aside for the person who cannot attend the function because of the task of distribution given to him by the distributor himself.
In another hadith, in the same context, it is mentioned that Allah would give such a person a better reward than what He would give to His ever grateful servants.

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying:

"Islam is founded on five pillars: bearing witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is His servant and apostle; establishment of salaat; paying of Zakaat; performance of Hajj; and fasting in Ramadhaan."

The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has compared Islam to a canopy resting on five supports. The Kali-mah is the central support and the other four pillars of Islam are, so to say, the remaining four supports, one at each corner of the canopy. Without the central support, the canopy cannot possibly stand, and if any one of the corner supports is missing a collapse will result in the defective corner. Now, let us judge for ourselves how far we have kept up the canopy of Islam. Is there really any pillar that is being held in its proper place?

The five pillars of Islam mentioned in this Hadith signify the most essential duties of a Muslim. Although a Muslim cannot do without any one of them, yet salaat in Islam occupies a position next only to Imaan. Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (Radhiyallaho anho) says:

"Once, I inquired of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), which act (of man) was the dearest to Allah. The Prophet replied, 'salaat'. I then inquired which act came next (in order of merit) and the Prophet replied, 'Kindness to parents'. I again asked what was next and he answered 'Jihaad'."

Mulla Ali Qari (Rahmatullah alaih) has quoted this Hadith in support of the belief that salaat is the most important religious duty after Imaan. This is further corroborated by a hadith, in which the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is reported to have said:

"Salaat is the best of all that has been ordained by Allah."